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lecture2 preview, keyword

category AIFFEL 대전/CS231N 2021. 1. 2. 14:20

수업 후에 프리뷰를 적어 이상하지만, 키워드 일단 적어보자


lecture2. Image Classification Pipeline

python / numpy tutorial


1.Image Classification


sementic gap : human vision vs digital image data


 - viewpoint variation

 - illumination

 - deformation

 - occulusion

 - background clutter

 - interclass variation

An image classifer(Recognition)

 - no obvious way of hard-code

 - edge/corner

 - Data Driven Approach


1st classifier : K-NN, Nearest Neighbor(memorize / predict)

 - dataset : CIFAR10

 - Distance Metric to compare image : L1/L2 distance metric

 - L1 distance

 - time complexity O(1), O(N)

 - hyperparameter : best k/distance choice, problem dependent

 - dataset : train/validation/test

 - k-fold validation

 - knn - image never used(curse of dimensionality)


Linear classification

 - parametric approach

 - hard case

 - defined score function


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